Your Privacy Choices

Welcome to Suzy's Privacy Request Form!

Use this form to request the exercise of your privacy rights.
Enter your details (which we need for purposes of verifying you are who you say you are), choose the type of request you would like to make, and submit the form. Please note that your rights and choices may vary depending on the laws which govern your Personal data.
We will respond to your request within 30-60 days, depending on your local laws. We’ll either fulfill your request or explain why we’re not taking action. If we don’t take action, and if the applicable laws so require, we’ll also provide instructions on any rights to appeal our decision.
For more details and information about how we use and protect your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

Data Subject Details

We need some information from you in order to process your request and safeguard your data. We will use the data gathered here only to process your request and for record-keeping as required by law.
Type of Request(s)
Type what you see